William Wordsworth was inspired by the power and majestic beauty of his environment at an early age and used nature as a theme in the creation of poems such as “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud,” “Tintern Abbey,” The Prelude, and many others. In many of his poems, readers will notice that Wordsworth portrays the natural world to be spiritualized and charged with meaning, but when readers attentively read a variety of Wordsworth’s poetry, they’ll encounter works that demonstrate his awareness of the sublimity and cruelty of the natural world. Wordsworth was no foreigner to struggle. However, in the majority of his work, he emphasizes the comfort available in nature’s enduring grace and beauty instead of this natural realism. In writing poetry as well as gardening and travel-writing, he drew upon these qualities. In fact, Wordsworth’s spiritual appreciation of the material world was a product of changing scientific views that moved away from myth. From Withering’s book, readers can see that William was interested in studying the latest advancements in botany, and his long walks around the Lake District and love of gardening kept him in constant contact with the often humbling but rejuvenating aspects of his connection to nature.